The Blaine County II Ambulance crew bid Don and Bonnie Harmon farewell this past Sunday at a retirement BBQ picnic at the Turner Park. The Harmon's have invested a lot of time and commitment into the Ambulance and its services over the years and the now the community will sorely miss their presence.
Don was instrumental in getting the ambulance on the Big Flat dating back to 1974. In reminiscing back to that time, he recalls other ambulance personal who also played a big part in that mission. There was Lenny Erickson, Porter Bengtson, Otis Johnson, and Bill Ammen, just to name a few. Others have dedicated their services to the group over the years and without them the ambulance would not be able to be what it is today.
Bonnie began serving the crew in 1982. He recalls that her mission was getting training to the Big Flat. She has been quite instrumental in the training part. The two really are joined together for which makes a unique caring group that we are so very fortunate to have here on the Big Flat. We are miles from a hospital and in most cases, time is of the essence. Training becomes viable and having the right equipment on an ambulance, and the manpower to run it is absolutely essential.
This spring a number of locals trained and now have passed their tests to be first responders for the area. Bonnie commented earlier that this is truly amazing that everyone stuck with it and went on to complete the course. It's not easy and almost always someone doesn't complete the course. It's not for everyone and we are extremely fortunate that these dedicated individuals stuck it out and have joined the force of others on the ambulance crew.
So, Don having 43 years and Bonnie with 35 years, we'd like to wish them well as they pass the torch to others who also serve, and bid them a sincere thank you for those dedicated years to the Big Flat community.