Valley Clover 4H Teen Leader Raynee Hasler first came up with the idea for a bike ride at the beginning of the year when she had to write her goals as Teen Leaders for the upcoming year. "I wanted to do something different that no one had done before. Then came along the idea of an informative health activity such as a bike ride," said Hasler. " It wasn't until about the first few weeks of June that I remembered my idea. That's when I told Shandell about my plan to get some feedback. After agreeing it was a great idea, she and I started coming up with a plan." It was decided the bike ride would take place the following week on Thursday, June 29th right after Loaves and Fishes at 1:30. "As the day began, I was skeptical of my idea as the weather didn't seem to be cooperating very well. But after an hour or so, the sun came out and we were ready to ride!" "There was a turnout of about 15 kids or so. As we rode towards the back of the pack, some of the girls rode with me. We talked the whole 2.3 miles while participating at each check-point where water and fun games could be found. When we arrived back at Wallner Hall, lemonade, cookies, cooling rags (thanks to the Extension Office and Shandell), and prizes were given out."