We've Got The County Covered

Any snow planes still around the area?

For some time I've been wanting to do a story about snow planes...those exotic looking forerunners of the modern snowmobile. Snow planes were popular on the upper plains of the Midwest, first as a means to travel over the snow, later as a form of recreation. Many were built on the chassis of old airplanes-using the plane's cabin as a passenger compartment, moving the engine and propeller to the rear for push and adding skis.

In Montana ranchers built and used the machines to check on cattle and travel in snowy conditions. In North Dakota hunters used the snow planes to run down foxes on top of the snow. Hunting from a snow plane is now illegal in most states.

There were a few commercial snow planes but most were jury-rigged, built in a farm or ranch shop using everything from old airplanes to fuel tanks off jet fighters for bodies and adding air-cooled engines for push. There are now snow plane clubs, much in the vein of antique tractor or classic car clubs, that hold events and give enthusiasts a chance to visit with each other.

Danny Lee Edgington, of Chinook, said his dad, Dick, built a snow plane and sold it to a local family. Danny Lee believes the old machine is in the Havre area on a farm. I've never been able to track it down if it's still out there.

If anyone has knowledge of an existing snow plane in the area, no matter the condition, I'd really like to know the location and how to contact the owner. I'm interested in doing a story about snow planes and learning if any were used in this area.

Leave a message at the newspaper office (357-3573) if you have some information about a snow plane. I'll get back with you. Thanks.