We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Susan Billmayer hosted a Baby Shower for Katie and Maya Billmayer on Friday evening. A nice crowd of ladies attended and many lovely and useful gifts were received.

Elissa and Jordan Zellmer and family returned home from Belle Fouche, SD where they attended a Jones family reunion.

Susan Billmayer stopped in for a visit Tuesday afternoon with Jane and Harlan Krass, and the girls who happened to be there too. It was good to get together.

Joely Hiniker and family spent the weekend at Elissa and Jordan Zellmers, coming for Elvin Johnson’s memorial sevice and for the 4th of July festivities.

Emily Billmayer came home from Havre on Thursday to spend the weekend and holiday.

Cassie and August Handran of Scobey were home this weekend at the Cornell home. Teresa and Cassie and August visited at the Zellmer home with all the Johnson relatives Saturday evening.

Jim and Helen Billmayer were guests at Larry and Kris Billmayers for supper Saturday night. Others there were Jennifer Strzelczyk, and Jessie Billmayer, Amos and Madelyn.

Harlan and Jane Krass’ daughters visited and brought goodies during the week for them.

On Thurseday, Loretta Beck went to Harlem and watched granddaughters Harley, Holly and Lucy swim at the pool.

MaryAnn Olszewski and Loretta Beck went to the shower for Katie and Maya Billmayer.

Kathy and Ed Zellmer have many family members staying at their home that came for Elvin Johnson’s memorial service.

It was good to visit with Lois Johnson and her daughter Cheryl Miller, husband and family of SD.

A large gathering of family and friends from all over, attended the Memorial service for Elvin Johnson on Saturday at the Lutheran Church in Hogeland. A ham meal was served to all following graveside services. The family also had a barbacue at Ed and Kathy Zellmers in the evening.

Don’t forget the 100 yr Anniversary of the Big Flat Catholic Church coming up July 22. If you are interested in going to the meal,call Nancy Snider at 379-2343 or Shirley Keller at 379-2228 ASAP. They need to know for ordering purposes.

Happy 4th of July to Everyone. Have a Safe and Enjoyable day. Sounds like it will be warm weather to be outside.

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