Fresh from a success in the recent special election to fill Montana’s sole Congressional seat, Montana’s Republican Party held its annual state convention in Billings on June 9 and 10. Delegates selected a new state chairman, heard from Republicans who hold statewide elected offices and were updated by Montana’s Republican U.S. Senator Steve Daines and new House member Greg Gianforte. There were 37 of Montana’s 56 counties represented by 162 voting delegates.
Convention attendees also heard from four probable challengers who plan to seek the party’s nomination to take on incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Jon Tester in 2018. Congressman Tom Emmer, Jr., the U.S. Representative from a district representing the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities and St. Cloud, Minnesota, was a guest at the first evening’s reception hosted by the outgoing state party chairman.
Blaine County party officials attending included Don Richman, County Chairman, Karla Buck, Finance Chair and Vicki Hofeldt, Committee Woman. Rita Richman attended as an observer.
Debra Lamm was elected as the new State Chairman for the Republican Party replacing Jeff Essmann who did not seek reelection for the post. Essmann, a former Montana House member, is running for mayor of Billings. Lamm, from Livingston, is no stranger to state politics. After several years of advocating about educational issues before the state legislature, in 2014 she ran and was elected to the state legislature to represent House District 60. She is House Vice-Chairman of Education and was invited to the White House, in 2015, for a convening of state education leaders.
Lamm withstood some last-minute challenges for the state party’s top post. She argued for her experience working with county-level party leaders and her belief a ‘build from the bottom’ approach would best benefit Montana’s Republican office holders and office seekers. Lamm won on the first ballot taken among the delegates.
Other state level positions were also filled. Ravalli County Republican Chairman Terry Nelson replaced Jennifer Fielder as vice chair. Fielder did not seek reelection. The remaining state officers were reelected: Secretary Kris Hansen, Havre; Treasurer Mike Hopkins from Missoula and Assistant Treasurer Dave Lewis of Helena.
There’s another Blaine County connection in the State Republican Party through neighboring Hill County. Harlem native Andrew Brekke is the county party chairman in Hill County and served on the both the party rules and credentialing committees at the convention.
If you are interested in being a part of the Blaine County Republican organization, you can get more information by calling Don Richman at 353-2213 in Harlem or contact Karla Buck at 357-2286.