Loretta Zellmer visited with Darwin and Betty Zellmer in Harlem Monday.
Richard Hopkins of Great Falls is spending some time at the Terry Mohar home helping with haying.
Mary Ellen and Wane Deloach are back home on the farm working on house projects and visiting friends in the area. They spent the 4th of July at Nancy and Ralph Sniders. Welcome back Mary Ellen and Wayne.
Guests 4th of July at Merrilyn Billmayers were Aimee and PJ Timmons and family, Miles and Linda Hutton and Lindsey, and Bobbie and Andrew Brekke.
Cody Ballard spent a couple of weeks in Washington with family and friends and participated in some shooting sports while there.
Youth from pre-school thru high school participated in a baketball training camp in Turner this week. LeVon Meyers was the instructor.
Harlan and Jane Krass were guests of Gavin Maloney on the 4th of July for a barbacue.
Wally and Loretta Back went to Mike and Crystals Grabofsky’s for the 4th. Also there were Danny, Maggie and Katie Kimmel, Matt, Sadie, Abby, Lucas, and Zane Grabofsky, and Billie Jo and Nate Simons, Hudson and Mary.
Elissa and Jordan Zellmer and family were to Lincoln over the 4th to spend the day with family there.
On Thursday, Wally and Loretta Beck were to Grabofsky’s for Coopers 4th birthday. Also there were Bobbie and Shawn Beck, Tate, Ty, and Harley Jo, Kevin Beck, Matt, Sadie, Abby, Lucas, and Zane Grabofsky, and Rick Grabofsky..
Some of the young people have been taking swim lessons in Harlem this summer..Sophia and Joshua Cuaresma and Josh Hiniker are spending some time with Grandma Kahy and Grandpa Ed Zellmer..Loretta Beck visited Shirley Keller on Friday. On the way home, she visited Nancy and Ralph Snider and Ron and Sandi Thompson at the Snider home.
Sunday lunch guests at Wally and Loretta Becks were Brandon, Daniella, and Dallas Beck and a friend of Brandons.
Helen and Jim Billmayer, Larry Billmayer, Susan and Eric Billmayer were up to Mark and Betty Billmayers for lunch Sunday to visit with Russell Bensons’s son, Bernard Bell, his wife and daughter from England.
A large group of family and friends went to Nelson Reservior on the 4th for a picnic and boating at Helen and Jim Billmayers cabin.They enjoyed a day of visiting and fireworks.
Gene, Susan, and Eric Billmayer atended a 3rd birthday party for Eli Matthews at the Alton Matthews home on Saturday.
The Blaine County Fair is this week. Get out in the heat and enjoy the festivities there , see the 4H animals and visit all your friends. See you there.!
Darel and Linda Hauge visited Sunday at Harlan and Jane Krass’. Diana Maloney and Anita Reed and girls came later in the day. Hilary Richman and girls came to help and visit after ball camp on Saturday. The family have been helping keep the yard and grass mowed and watered. Quite a job in this heat.