I am just glad that it is not football season right now much as I miss the game. With this horrible July heat wave, it would be difficult to play football or any outdoor game that requires exertion.
One would hope that when August rolls around, it will be more like fall than this very hot and dry summer.
Not that we have not had these summers before. In the 1980’s there were several years that were dry in the mountains and out on the prairie. And for those following the story of the Little Rocky Fire, remember 1936 when practically the entire mountain range was engulfed in flames. That is why the evergreen of note in the Little Rockies to this day is the Lodge Pole Pine which is the first to come up after a large fire.
So we have all seen weather like this before and chances are we will see weather like this again but when it is here, it is difficult for those of us who hate hot weather anyway, to get through.
Most of you have probably seen that MSU Northern has a new volleyball coach. She is Rose Obunaga and she hails from five seasons of coaching volleyball at Stephens College in Columbus, Missouri. She is new to Montana and I hope she does well and starts out with a tremendous winning season.
Coming up soon is the annual Shrine football game. I remember when I was a child we listened to that game that was broadcast over KOJM long before there was any television.
It was always in August and we were always in some Clear Creek cabin or other and usually listening to a baseball game. However, when the East vs. West Shrine game came along, we always listened to that but with mixed emotions for we knew that when the Shrine Game was played, it was close to the end of summer and we would have to go back to school soon. What a bummer that was!
I was talking to a gentleman from Heartland last Saturday at the Farmer’s Market in Havre. I love to buy their new green onions and they have a new red onion that is so full of flavor.
I notice that cooking snobs are calling those green onions scallions in some cases and seem to argue about whether to use the green or the white parts in cooking.
How about calling them little green onions and eating all of them. They are delicious, especially in summer pasta salads. They are also great with turkey and dressing on turkey day.
Anyway the gentleman from Heartland told me they were going to be in Chinook every Tuesday through the summer after the Blaine County Fair is over.
So, there is your chance to buy some green onions if I haven’t bought all of them already. No, I am kidding but do try the little red onions. They are very good.
That’s my story and I am sticking to it. Pray for rain and Go Thunderbirds!