The Chinook High School Football team participated in a team camp in Fort Benton last week. First year Head Coach Christian Lehnert took 20 players in all, they are: Standing (L-R) Chace Moxley, Carson Powell, Ryle Elliot, Tamer Jamieson, Ross Reed, Steven Mulonet, Brendan Edwards, Trajan Hannum, James Christensen, Riley Brown, Tye Mitchell, Kurtis Hamilton, JT Hauer, JJ Colby, Erik Pula, Reese Elliot. Kneeling (L-R) Reuban Swenson, Sam Dumas, Ethan MacLeod, Damon Hannum. Lenhert was happy with his teams effort heading into the season, "It was a team oriented camp, which was great for team building and working on team schemes. We learned what fundamentals we need to work on for the football season." This team has potential, " The boy's showed they can play and compete physically with anyone. We just need to iron out a few wrinkles and get on the same page along with working on our fundamentals. Once we can do that we should start to see some success.