Linda and Darel Hauge attended a surprise birthday party for Tricia Kimmel on Tuesday, the cereal crop tour on Wednesday, and the fireman picnic on Friday.
Anita and Steve Reed and family attended the Turner Volunteer Fire Department picnic on Friday. They enjoyed meeting baby Isaac Kropf, newborn son of Tyler and Kyli Kropf, who also attended the picnic.
Sonny and Nellie Obrecht took in the Catholic Church anniversary happenings on Saturday.
Shania and Diana Maloney were in Great Falls this week attending a continuing ed class. They also did some school classroom shopping while there.
Loren and Linda Wolery were supper guests of Bill and Mary Hake on Sunday. After supper they enjoyed playing cards.
Johannas, Shannon, JR and Jake Brown had a busy month of traveling and family visits. They spent time in Yellowstone and Glacier Parks.
The Browns also attended Kathy and Tim Hankinsons wedding in Great Falls and attended a Brekke family reunion. The Browns also enjoyed day visits from many cousins.
The cousins staying with the Browns were Shawn and Tanya Latham and boys from Seattle. Followed by Gail, Ted, Jake and Jon Brekke from Houston, Max Brekke from New Jersey and Corey and Katie Sedacca from Florida. All of them reported loving the farm life.