August calendars are out and we have a busy schedule planned for you.
We will have Bingo at 1 p.m. this Thursday. Frances Ewing won the Blackout prize last week.
The Kitchen Band will be playing on Friday before lunch and they will continue while pinochle is played in the afternoon. Last week’s winners were Jack O’Brien and Virginia Olson.
The Foot Clinic is August 7. Call me for an appointment.
The Loaves & Fishes Children will be singing for us at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8.
Shanghai Rummy will be played Tuesday. Last week’s winner was Don Durocher.
The Board of Directors will be having an Ice Cream Social Fundraiser on Wednesday, August 9 from 3 to 5 p.m. Stop in for a sundae and help support the center!
Menu for
the Week:
August 2 - August 9
Wed., August 2 - Fish Fillet Sandwich
Thur., August 3 - Chicken Fajita
Friday, August 4 - Meatballs
Mon., August 7 - Sloppy Joes
Tue., August 8 - Chicken Salad on Croissant
Wed., August 9 - Potato Bar
August 2 - Sharon Barnes
August 2 - Don Harshman
August 3 - Chris Kruse
August 5 - Rod Phares
August 5 - Mildred Dawson
August 5 - Gerry Stabio