Sympathy is extended to the family of Eleanor Harmon Bickel. Her graveside buriel service was Monday at the Wing Cemetery.
On Tuesday, Susan Billmayer accompanied Pete and Margaret Duncan and family of Miles City, out to Wayne Creek on the McCann property where his folks, Peyton and Millicent Duncan, homesteaded. They were out reconnecting their roots of years ago. Many will remember the Duncan family.
Loretta and Wally Beck attended the 100th Anniversary of the Big Flat Catholic Church last weekend and enjoyed visiting with those attending.
John Wing, cousin of MaryEllen Deloach, visited family at the old Anderson place for a few days this past week . He grew up in the area and went to school at Hogeland. He and Mary Ellen visited friends around the area while he was here.
Susan Billmayer went up to Havre and picked up Emily for the weekend. They were guests at Denny and Colleen Overcasts for lunch to see and visit with Melanie Costello, who was home visiting her folks.
Susan took Emily back to Havre on Sunday.
Julian and Marilyn Hansen of CA and Lenius Erickson visited Harlan and Jane at their home Friday. Diana Maloney was also there. They went to the Wing Cemetery afterwards to look at graves there. It was good to visit them and talk over old times.Julian and Marilyn have been visiting friends in the area.
Harley Jo, Tate, and Ty Beck visited Saturday at Grandma Loretta and Grandpa Wally Becks while their folks went to Havre.
Carol Ann and Jim Klapste of WI came to visit for a few weeks at the Palmer Anderson home with family in the area.
Loretta Beck was over to visit Kathy and Ed Zellmer this week and viewed their new home.
Visitors Sunday at the Krass home were Diana Maloney, Linda Hauge, and Anita Reed, Lucas, Brooke and Bridget.
Mary Ellen Deloach visited with the Ryle Simons family, and the Ralph Sniders one day this week.
The young people finished up the basketball camp at Whitewater this week. Now they are getting sports physicals done and shopping as the first day of school is Aug 22.
Mary Ellen Deloach and John Wing visited Sandy Beck at her home one day this week.
Linda and Darel Hauge stopped in to visit on Friday at the Krass home at the Sallees, Linda is sporting a new blue cast now.
Wayne Deloach went back to Wisconsin for a few weeks, but Mary Ellen stayed and visited friends and family.
Helen Billmayer, Marilyn Hansen, Betty Billmayer, Stephanie and baby, Shannon VanVoast and girls, Linda Petrie, and Diane Jones went to Ft Peck to the Theater production”Millon Dollar Quartet”, and stayed overnight at a motel in Glasgow. The gals had a terrific “Girls Night Out”.