What a big week we had at the center! Our 2nd annual Grill & Chill BBQ was very well attended with over 80 people enjoying the yummy hamburgers from Shipwheel Cattle Co. that Tom Tilleman cooked for us. A special thanks to Marilyn Williamson for setting it all up! And our Ice Cream Social was also a big success… about 60 people stopped for sundaes. Thanks to all who enjoyed and especially the board members Terry Grabofsky, Roger Fischer, Rochelle Wohlchlager and Kathy O’Brien who served the sundaes!
We have more activities planned for you this week! We will be starting off with the North Harlem Colony Tour on Wednesday. We have 16 people signed up so far. We are leaving after lunch for this special tour with Pastor Eli Hofer. It should be a good time.
Bingo will be at 1 p.m. on Thursday. Virginia Olson won the Blackout prize last week. Thanks to Mike Randall for filling in as caller the past few weeks.
The Kitchen Band will be playing on Friday. They will start around 11 a.m. and continue through the afternoon while pinochle is played. Last week’s winners were Cassie Morgan and Judy Chapman. Virginia Olson and Don Durocher had 1500 Trump.
The center will be closed on Monday, August 21. The potluck will be that day at noon. No deliveries will be made.
Shanghai Rummy is played every Tuesday. Elisabeth O’Brien was the winner last week.
Our Whist winners were Rochelle Wohlschlager and Mildred Dawson.
The Public Card Party was hosted by Myrla McCoy. Judy Chapman was high winner and Mike Randall was low winner. It looked like there were a lot of 300 pinochle winners: Cassie Morgan, Elisabeth O’Brien, Marilyn Williamson, Frances Ewing, Judy Chapman, Gerry Lenhardt, and Mary Novak.
Thank you to John Shelstad for the cucumbers. Our seniors love the fresh produce!
If you have been thinking about volunteering or have one free morning a week, please think of us here at the center. One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time.
Stop in… the coffee is always on!
Menu for the Week:
August 16 - August 23
Wed., August 16 - Waffles
Thur., August 17 - Philly Steak Sandwich
Friday, August 18 - Spaghetti
Mon., August 21 - Pot Luck, No Deliveries
Tue., August 22 - Chili & Cornbread
Wed., August 23 - Beef Barley Soup Upcoming
August 17 - Dorothy Taylor
August 20 - John Shelstad
August 24 - Frances Ewing
August 24 - Gary Neufeld
August 24 - Alice Kleinjan