The Chinook Area Chamber of Commerce held their monthly meeting at the Chamber office on main street August 10th, 2017 at 6:15 p.m.
Our last Training workshop was held August 15th at the Chamber office on Main Street. Heather DePriest with Montana Grafix discussed Social Media, and taught the basics of Facebook pages and how it can benefit your business.
Did you know that when you shop LOCAL, you have helped the environment? Buying from a local Business conserves energy and resources in the form of less fuel for transportation, less packaging, and products that you know are safe and well made, because local businesses stand behind them. Also when you shop LOCAL, you have created more choice! Our local businesses pick the items they sell based on what you like and want. Local businesses carry a wide array of unique products because they buy for their own individual markets.
This year’s Blaine County Farmer/Rancher Night - Appreciating Agricultural customers is in the planning phases. We have slated October 21st 2017 for this Appreciation dinner, be sure to mark your calendars. If anyone would like to become more involved with the planning of this event we welcome you to contact us at
The Chamber of Commerce is currently seeking an executive director to work 15 hours per week at the Chamber office on Main Street, please email for more information, or check out our website at: to learn more about this position.
Show & Shine (hosted by the Blaine County Cruisers) will be taking place on the weekend we usually host the Sugarbeet Festival. There will be cars, a horse shoe tournament, drive in movie that night, and an appreciation lunch hosted by Dan’s Auto Parts. Be on the lookout for more information.
Business After Hours was held at Wallner Hall this month with Loaves and Fishes hosting the event. They had great food, wonderful music by the kids and by the end they gave away backpacks to kids for back to school. Thanks goes out to Loaves and Fishes for all they have done this summer for these kids! We do not have an event scheduled for September, but if anyone would like to host one, please contact Jennifer at 406-945-7978.
Welcome to Chinook Banners are ready to be put up. We still have banners available to sponsor if interested. Please reach out to Jenn at if you would like to sponsor a banner or have any other questions.
Bonus Booklets will not be going around Chinook this year, but be on the lookout in the coming months for a new way to save money in Chinook. We are getting a few new promotional items that you will see in our next monthly happenings email, focusing on the Chinook Sugarbeeter! If you would like to receive these emails please reach out to our secretary at
We would like to invite anyone to attend our regular chamber meetings to give us your valuable input. Your memberships are very important to our community, so please take the time and check out our website for more information All of the funds from memberships go right back into our community.
Next meeting will be held at the Chamber office on Main Street September 14th, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.