We've Got The County Covered

Valley Clover 4-H Club gets Involved, files report

The August 20th meeting was held at the Chinook Library meeting room and called to order by Raynee Hasler. The Valley Clover Club was active and involved this summer.

Many reports were given. Hannah Schoen and Kourtney Hanson reported that the yearly 4-H camp held at Camp Kiwanis in Beaver Creek Park south of Chinook was well attended. Hill County joined in on all the fun this year too. One hundred nineteen children participated and enjoyed all the super fun activities. They did fun crafts like tie-dying pillowcases, noodle making horses, and funny skits. They cannot wait till 2018 camp.

Clara Laird, Hannah Schoen, and Belle Elliot reported that the Sweet Nursing Home Birthday Party for the month of June was a huge success. Cake was served along with the piano and Clara Lairds French Horn entertainment. It was fun socializing with the residents.

Birthday boxes containing cake mixes, frosting, plates, and Birthday treats were assembled to be donated to the Food Pantry. The Valley Clovers want all children to have a fun Birthday.

Future plans were made. Ross Reed suggested a movie night for a fun activity, the club agreed. Communities service to sell concessions at the Gun Show October 6, 7, and 8th was also passed on.

Our last meeting of the 4-H year will be September 10th. Our organization leader Keri Hanson, wants all record books completed and handed in to her by the 18th or sooner.

One demonstration was given by Bree Swanson. She demonstrated on Deer Skull Hydro Dipping.

Lastly we were educated by Lieutenant John Colby of the Blaine County Sherriff Department and his drug dog Robo. Robo can locate cocaine, meth, and marijuana. Mr. Colby and Robo are certified. They have done many demonstrations for the community- at the Blaine County Fair, at Turner School, and for our 4-H club. It was very interesting.

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