We've Got The County Covered

White Pine 4H holds monthly meeting

Acting President, Britton Elliot, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. on August 17, 2017 at the Meadowlark School Cafeteria.

Jenni Mord led the American Pledge and Ethan Klingaman led the 4-H Pledge. Roll Call was taken by Secretary Amanda Mord.

Minutes of the June 15th meeting were read and approved. No Treasurer's Report was available.

4-H Record books were turned in and White Pine 4-H Stall signs were turned in.

A motion was made by Charley Buck to adjourn our meeting and seconded by Lori Mord. Motion carried.

Emma Klingaman presented a demonstration on "How to clean leather tack."

Thank you to Mrs. Langford for hosting the meeting as the Roseliep family (Brennen and Reegan) have moved from Chinook.

Our next gathering will be September 21, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in the Meadowlark School Cafeteria. Hosts will be Ethan and Emma Klingaman. Roll Call will be to tell who your teacher is and what grade you are in.

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