The movie "The Choice" will be shown in the Library Meeting Room on Wednesday at 1 p.m. Popcorn will be provided. Next week's movie is "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas."
This Thursday, Bingo with Ray Reid will be at 1 p.m. Amy Belle Smith and Annette Powell won the Blackout prize last week.
On Friday, the Kitchen Band will be entertaining us. Welcome to our new member Sheri Miller with her mandolin. There will also be pinochle after lunch. Last week's winners were Virginia Olson and Rochelle Wohlschlager.
Monday's activity is pool and cribbage. Last week, I finally beat Mike Randall for the first time!
Shanghai Rummy is played every Tuesday at 1 p.m. Last week's winner was Amy Belle Smith.
Whist will be played on Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 1 p.m. We are always looking for more Whist players.
The Public Card Party results are high score – Jack O'Brien and Judy Chapman, low – Elisabeth O'Brien, and Amy Belle Smith and Frances Ewing had 300 Pinochle.
Thanks to Max and Alice Conner for the fresh tomatoes for the cook and to Ginger Hanson for the delicious cookies she made for us! We are very lucky to live in such a caring community.
Stop in... the coffee (and cookies this week) are always on!
Menu for the Week:
September 13 - 20
Wednesday, Sept. 20
- Potato Soup & Chicken Salad
Thursday, September 21
- Salad Bar
Friday, September 22
- Roast Beef
Monday, Sept. 25
- Biscuits & Gravy
Tuesday, September 26
- Cook's Choice
Wednesday, September 27
- Beef Teriyaki
Sept. 20 - Kathy O'Brien
Sept. 22 - Mary DePriest
Sept. 22 - Lyla Kaldor
Sept. 23 - John Hebbelman
Sept. 23 - Mary Harder
Sept. 25 - Catherine Morgan