We've Got The County Covered
The Turkey Shoot will be held on Sunday, October 29th, beginning at 12:00 noon, at the Turner Trap. Everyone is welcome. The American Legion Post #109 is sponsoring this event.
The Hogeland Lutheran Annual Turkey Dinner and Bazaar will be held on Sunday, Nov. 5. The bazaar opens at 11:30 a.m. The dinner will be held from 12:00-2:00 p.m. Turkey dinner with all the trimmings will be served. Come out and enjoy a wonderful meal!
Lynette Sallee and Diana Maloney visited Harlan and Jane Krass on Saturday afternoon.
Darwin and Betty Zellmer visited at the Wallace Beck home on Monday morning.
Sandy Beck played cards at Monica Swank’s home last Wednesday.
The American Legion Auxiliary of the Big Flat is in the process of setting up a wall of local (Turner and Hogeland) Veterans that ARE NOT MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION. We are looking for photos (preferably in uniform) of our local veterans. If you or a family member would like to be included on our wall, please send your 5x7 photo (they will not be returned) and information including years of service and branch served in to: PO Box 142; Turner, MT 59542. We are looking for National Guard and Reserve as well. We would like the pictures and information by Dec. 1, 2017. For more information you can contact Kirsti Cederberg at 379-2387.
Loretta Beck attended the Quilt Guild meeting at the Hogeland Lutheran Church on Monday evening.
Richard, Cassie, August and Evelyn Handran were guests at Dave and Teresa Cornell’s home over the weekend for Evelyn’s Baptism at the Hogeland Lutheran Church. Also coming to the Baptism were Michael, Gordy, and Tasha Bloomquist from Scobey, Steven and Liana Handran from Scobey, Kimberly Handran from Gt. Falls, Dale, Kim, Kinsey Cornell and Dalton Lightfoot, and Shandel Fouts.
Sandy Beck attended grandson Landen’s football game in Chinook last Tuesday.
Anita Reed took Jane and Harlan Krass to Havre on Thursday for Harlan’s x-ray appointment.
Sandy Beck attended Quilt Guild at the Hogeland Lutheran Church last Monday evening.
Loretta Beck rode over with Bobbi Beck to Turner on Wednesday to attend an auxiliary meeting at the Turner Legion Hall.
Sandy Beck and Sylvia Mohar went to Billings on Thursday and had lunch with Dixie Roseleip to help her celebrate her birthday.
Duane Klindworth visited at the Wallace Beck home on Friday morning.
Loretta Beck attended the baptism of Evelyn Blake Handran, infant daughter of Cassie and Richard Handran, on Sunday morning at the Hogeland Lutheran Church and the dinner following.
Steve and Anita Reed enjoyed lunch at school with Bridget Reed on Wednesday for National School Lunch Week.
Poinsettia orders are being taken now by the Turner WELCA. 6.5” pots in Red, White, or Pink are available. Orders must be in no later than October 27. Contact Kirsti Cederberg at 379-2387 or Anita Reed at 379-2326. All proceeds will be given to our local Blaine County Food Banks.