We've Got The County Covered

Turner Students personally thank Veterans

The receiving line was a touching memory to the students as well as the Veteran's present at the annual Veteran's Day program. The entire crowd went through the line and shook the hands of each Veteran that was in attendance. Many of these children are grandchildren, children, a niece or nephew, or perhaps even a child of the Veteran's that were there. It was quite moving to see the respect that was given this day. Thanks to all the Veteran's who served this great nation both past and present. We salute you for your service!! Right: GOD BLESS AMERICA was sung to the crowd by the first and second grades, under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. Diana Maloney. The Second graders were in back and are: Quin Billmayer, Willie Krass, Hudson Honey, Bridger Hawley, Lex Wolery, and Olivia Keller. Front Row, first graders are L-R: Hannah Van Voast, Dane Frey-Haluszka, Piper Fox, Hudson Simons, Isabella Van Voast, and Colt Leitner. They proudly wave their flag and sang their hearts out. Absent was Savannah Heilig.

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