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Paradise Pals 4-H Club Reports on October meeting

The Paradise Pals 4-H Club held its October meeting on October 22 at the Zurich School. There were 10 members, 4 leaders, and 3 guests present.

The September minutes were read and approved as read. Bills were paid to Sally Anderson, Clothing Company for 4-H t-shirts, and the 1% assessment. Kara Graff made a motion to pay the bills and Justin Graff 2nd the motion. It was voted on and passed to pay the bills as listed.

Aubree Handy led us in singing “On Top of Spaghetti”. Victoria Kirby reported on the Officer Training, Graff’s and Ritterbach’s reported on the Window Display. Old Business was the Recycle Bins at the Sweet Home. New Business was that Rikki Ritterbach and Samaria Kirby will be the new organizational leaders.

We need to put new signatures on the bank account. Achievement Night will be November 12 and we’re in charge of bringing garlic bread. It was decided that we would pick up 20 loaves.

The members were to start thinking of ideas for our Christmas party. It was also discussed that we invite the new extension agent to come to our November meeting as a guest and as a speaker. Mercedes Ritterbach made a motion and Chad Ritterbach seconded the motion to invite the new agent as a speaker.

Door prize gifts for Achievement Night were decided on. They decided to get $20.00 gift cards from Pizza Hut and North 40 for Achievement Night.

Announcements were Enrollment is due October 27, End Of Year report and 1% Assessment Due October 27, bank statements to extension office starting November 1, Achievement Night is November 12 at 3:00 p.m., and 4-H council meeting will be January 8, 2018.

We held election of officers. President - Victoria Kirby, Vice-President - Jared Graff, Secretary/Historian - Mercedes Ritterbach, Treasurer - Kristen Graff, Reporter - Chad Ritterbach, Correspondence Secretary - Larissa Getten, Song Leaders - Aubree and Aislinn Handy, and Recreational Leader - Kara Graff.

Sally Anderson and Kristi Warburton recognized all of the members and handed out t-shirts to all the members. We took our club picture for the new year.

The meeting was adjourned and we enjoyed a Nacho/Taco dinner. The next meeting will be November 19, 2017 at the Alliance Church at 2:00 p.m. and Warburton’s will host.