We've Got The County Covered

Blaine County Health Department honors coloring contest winners

our students took top honors for their coloring and designing when the Blaine County Health Department came out to the Turner School this past Tuesday. The coloring page was geared to STOP BULLYING and be a good friend. Mark Weber and Amber Heustis came and presented these four students a prize for their outstanding coloring and drawing. They encouraged to be friends and stop the madness of bullying that sometimes happens in school or around us. The first grade winner was Savannah Heilig, second grade was Olivia Keller, third grade winner was Abigail Grabofsky, and the top drawing winner was fourth grader, Wrien Wolery. Her penciled drawing will be featured next year as the coloring page. This coloring page will be what students will color for the 2018-2019 school year. Some wonderful art sets were given as prizes. The children were quite happy with their goodies. Standing with the children are Mark Weber and Amber Heustis, both of the Blaine County Health Department. Keep up the great work, students! Help make a difference in our county and happy coloring!!