I would like to make a New Year’s resolution for the year 2018. My New Year’s resolution is that I want to lose a few pounds before the end of 2018. My reason for doing this is because I feel slightly overweight and I want to stop that feeling, so this is what I want to do. This is my New Year’s resolution for the year 2018.
Dallas Doney
It is getting close to the New Year, so I am going to make some resolutions. I am going to help out more with my dad. I will help him with the cows. I will help feed them. I will work with him after school. My second resolution is to read more and get AR points. These are my New Year’s resolutions for 2018.
Savanna Jones
It is December and it is getting close to the New Year, so these are my resolutions. My first resolution is to start eating healthier foods, like vegetables and fruits. My second resolution is to start making time to read and get more AR points. These are my 2018 resolutions.
Kaitlyn Johnson
For my resolution of 2018, I will start lifting weights. I will start lifting weights because I want to be strong just like my father. Also, because I will be able to defend myself if a citizen tries to take me. This is why I will be trying this resolution for 2018.
Thunder Bigby
My resolution for the New Year is that I will cut down on Hot Cheetos because they burn people’s stomachs and they are not good for you in any way. I think I can make it through the year, and this is my 2018 New Year’s resolution
Katie Cochran
This is my New Year’s resolution. I am going to cut back on pop and start drinking more water. I also might try to be nice to my brother. I also will try to help out more around the house. Those are the things that I will try my best to do in 2018.
Shaide Bell
My resolution is to try to lay off the chips. They are not good for me because of the sauce. Then I will try to do my best not to drink pop. One thing I am trying to do is drink a little coffee. These are my New Year’s resolutions for 2018.
Tayton Adams
It is getting close to January, so I am going to make a couple of resolutions. First of all, I am going to try to stop drinking pop and start drinking more water. I want to stop drinking pop because it is not good for me, and water is healthier than pop.
Dezmond Dillon
The New Year is coming, so I am doing a New Year’s resolution. My New Year’s resolution is to try to watch less television. Instead, I would like to read more books and go outside more.
Alaura Hawley
It is almost New Year’s, so I will make a resolution. I am going to try to stop eating candy. I am going to buy and eat healthier food so I will be healthier and in better shape in 2018.
Kaile Wilson
My New Year’s resolution would be to bring my grades up. That way, I can make it to the honor roll. Some of my grades get really low, and I get grounded for about a week. When my grades go up, I get rewarded from my family members. So hopefully, my grades will go up. That is my New Year’s resolution.
Maliyah Morsette
My New Year’s resolution is to keep promises that I make. I never really keep promises. I owe my sister $5 and I still haven’t given it to her. That was 2 years ago. I want to start keeping my promises. I will pay my sister back. I will also keep all the other promises I make from now on.
Jonni Spotted Eagle
I want to make a New Year’s resolution for 2018. My resolution is I want to get more exercise. First, I can become faster. Second, I’ll become stronger, so I can lift heavy things. Third, exercise will help me become flexible. Lastly, exercise will help me to lose weight so I won’t be lazy. That’s my New Year’s resolution.
Desiree Smith
My New Year’s resolution is to save more money. I want to save up money so I can help my parents. I want to buy clothes for my dad. I want to help my mom get a new car. I also want to save up money so I can go to the fair with my family. This is what I am going to do for my New Year’s resolution.
Angelique Oats
My New Year’s resolution is to eat healthier. I need to eat healthier because I haven’t been eating healthy. I have been eating junk food such as pop, candy, chips, and lots of other unhealthy things. I am going to eat healthier by having my auntie cook vegetables more often. Another way I can eat healthier is by eating my school lunch vegetables. I hope that I can accomplish my goal.
Mackenzy Crantz
The New Year’s resolution I want to do is to eat healthy. I also want to work out more to lose pounds. I think I can look better, so that is why I am making these resolutions. Hopefully I can make my resolutions come true during 2018.
Jesse R. Castillo
My New Year’s resolution is to play outside in the summer with my three dogs, Rosebud, Princess, and Junior. My friend is going to come and visit me, and her mom said she might get to stay with me for a bit and go back to Hays for the school year. Now she comes and only stays for a day or two, and then we take her back to Hays. If she is here in the summer, we could both play with my dogs.
Mackenzie Pretty Paint
My New Year’s resolution is to lose weight and eat healthier. I will lose weight by eating healthy food, and staying away from sugary things. I will eat healthy by having salads, fruits, and vegetables. This is my New Year’s resolution.
Leon Champagne
My New Year’s resolution is to get better at basketball. I am going to achieve this by going to the gym every day when I can. I am going to practice dribbling and shooting. I am also going to run at the gym so I don’t get tired easily when I’m playing basketball. I am going to quit eating junk food and stop drinking pop so when I play, my stomach doesn’t start to ache. This is my New Year’s resolution.
Vandis Little
My New Year’s resolution is to spend more time with my family. I want to show more respect for my parents or guardians. I want to help them with their chores. This is my New Year’s resolution for 2018.
Devonte Eagleman
My New Year’s resolution is to improve my hunting skills. The first thing I want to work on is my stamina because when we go hunting, I need to keep up with everyone. Second, I want to improve my accuracy by practicing shooting. Finally, I want to save enough money to buy some ear buds so I am not like my dad, because sometimes when you talk to him, he says, “What, what, what?” These are my New Year’s resolutions for 2018.
Erik Snell
My New Year’s resolution is to become skinnier. The reason I want to become skinnier is so I can become faster. If I can just lose some weight, I could do cross country. The way I think I could become thinner is to stop eating so much, eat more vegetables, and to start running.
Jermaine D. Brockie
I would like to make my New Year’s resolutions for the year of 2018. My New Year’s resolution is that I want to run faster during 2018. My second resolution is to be able to run longer distances. Next year I am going to join Cross Country, so my resolutions will help me improve my running.
James Jeremey Walls, Jr.
It’s almost January so I am going to make a New Year’s resolution. My first resolution is that I want to help more around the house and help my mom with things she needs done. My second resolution is to exercise more and eat healthier. These are my New Year’s resolutions for 2018.
Shayne Stiffarm
This is my New Year’s resolution for 2018. I want to try to walk on my tip-toes because when I go hunting with my dad, he says that I always stomp or that I am being loud. Also, when I go to my grandma’s house, I stomp. When she is sleeping downstairs, I would be upstairs stomping and waking her up. I am going to achieve my goal by always walking on my tip-toes. Every time I go hunting, I start out walking quiet, but then it gets louder – like I always crush leaves and snap branches. Hopefully, I can learn to walk quieter for my New Year’s resolution for 2018.
Caly Adams
My New Year’s resolution for 2018 is to save money so I can buy whatever I want. When you save money, you can help family with taxes or just about anything you want. That’s what I would do with my spare money.
Trevan Barnaby
It’s close to New Year’s Day, so I’m going to make a resolution. My resolution is to get better at football. Then when I join again, I might be a lot better when I play. I’ll be older, so I might be stronger. I’ll sometimes practice with my dad to get better. I’ll also practice by getting some friends together and playing teams. That’s how I’m going to get better at football and achieve my resolution.
Troy LongKnife
My New Year’s resolution for 2018 is to get better at football by the end of the year. I’m going to get better at football by playing football and getting faster. I’m going to watch a lot of football, and watch the pro’s play football, too. I will keep playing football as much as I can so I will get better at it.
Swede Horsecapture
It is getting close to January, so I am going to tell you what my New Year’s resolution is. My resolution is to get a lot faster. I will tell you how I am going to achieve this. I am going to run sprints and run laps around a big building. I will also play hard when I play basketball and football. I will also not be lazy and stay inside. Instead, I will go outside every day. This is my New Year’s resolution for 2018.
Henry Ironchild
2018 is right around the corner, so I am going to tell you about my New Year’s resolution. What I am going to do this year is stop eating hot chips for the rest of the year. When I go to the store, I will not grab hot chips. I will grab white cheddar popcorn. My second resolution is I will not get Mountain Dew, but I will get a bottle of Kool aid instead. My third resolution is to try to get all of my homework done at school. These are my New Year’s resolutions for the year 2018.
Beau Rider
It is almost 2018, so I want to make New Year’s resolutions. One of my resolutions is to read more. I want to read more because I want to get smarter, and I want to learn new words that I don’t know about. I also want to read more so I can take my mind off of tablets and video games. Another New Year’s resolution is to stop playing video games so much, and to start playing outside more often. I want to play outside so I can lose weight and be healthier for 2018.
Luccio Tushka
I have a few New Year’s resolutions for 2018. I want to try not to drink pop for the whole year because it is not healthy and it could lead to diabetes. Another resolution is to help my grandparents get around the house, and also to help my grandma with gardening. These are my New Year’s resolutions for 2018.
Madision Fowler
My resolution for 2018 is to get my homework done at school. I will always be respectful to my teachers, and to my mom and dad. I also want to do my best on my homework and at everything I try. I will do everything I can to be make my mom and dad happy in 2018.
Robert J. Bell
It’s almost New Years, so I’m making a New Year’s resolution. It’s to try to stop drinking pop. If I drink pop, my teeth could rot and I could get diabetes. Pop can do other things too, like put chemicals into your body, get you sick, and maybe it could put you in a sugar rush. Pop is bad for your body and your body can’t handle it, so that’s why I’m going to try to stop drinking pop for my 2018 resolution.
Moses Isaiah Lawrence
It is almost 2018, so I want to make a New Year’s resolution. My resolution is that I won’t take the elevator anymore; I will just take the stairs. I would get more exercise and be healthier by climbing the stairs than by riding in an elevator. This is my New Year’s resolution for 2018.
Kelbi Bigby