Riley J.
Get Abs
Eat Healthy
Get better at bowling
Get better at footRiley J.
Get Abs
Eat Healthy
Get better at bowling
Get better at football
Get better at wrestling
Get better at being a student
Get better grades
Aubree H.
My first 2018 New Years resolution is to get healthier. My second resolution is to start a bullet journal. My third resolution is to get better at barrel racing.
Corey B.
I want to keep my grades the same way all year long.
And I want to find a new book series for this year.
And I want people to listen to the teacher until the year is over.
And I want to be nice to everyone in the school.
And if they don’t listen to the teacher they will get a blurt card.
Hallie N.
My 2018 New Years Resolution goals is to be a better on my handwriting. My handwriting is ok it just needs a little work. My second goal is to be a better basketball player. I would like to work on my dribbling and shooting. My last goal is to make it on the plaque in the library.
Isaiah G.
To be a better student
Chargers make the playoffs
Jenna L.
My new year resolution goals are to help my family on all farms. To do better in basketball. To make a three point at the last minute. I will train myself to be a better player. I will do my chores more often.
Kaden G.
I would like to get better at wrestling and football. I will try to eat a lot more fruit and work out more. I will try to be a better friend. I will try to be a better kid and big brother. I will try to get better at riding my bike.
Mya B.
To get better at right handed layups for 9C.
To get my horse smokey better and used to the rodeo.
To try to have all my homework done so I can stay in homework club.
Natasha S.
I have a few new year resolutions one of them is that I need to eat more fruit and vegetables and less candy. I need to eat more fruits and vegetables because I used to have six cavities.
Another one of my new year resolutions is I need to get better grades in math. My grades in math are ok but I hope they can get better. My last new year resolution is to help out my mother and father a lot more with anything they need help on.
Britton E.
In August I broke my leg, so my first New Year’s Resolution is to work out every week. In the summer I do Chinook Lions Swim Team.
My second New Year’s Resolution is to win first in at least one of my events at state in Conrad, Montana.
My third one is to be the best basketball player I can be on my team.
My fourth one is to get straight A’s all year long. I could probably think of a lot more but these are the most important ones to me. So that concludes my New Year’s Resolution list.
Quentin E.
My new year resolutions for 2018
My first resolution is to work out more and lose some weight.
My second resolution is to hang out with my friends more often and go outside more.
My third resolution is to walk my dog more and get him in shape.
My fourth resolution is to read more and get better grades.
My fifth resolution is to help more.
Ryley H.
My news year resolutions in 2018. I would like to do chores without being asked. At home I don’t always like to listen to dad. I would also like to be friends again with Hadley. Hadley has been my friend for a long time. I would also love to own a German shepherd or a husky by July of 2018. A husky has the most beautiful colors. A German shepherd has always sounded cool. I have many goals for 2018 but most of them will never happen.
Samuel C.
My New Years goals are to be a better friend. My second goal is to eat all of my fruits and vegetables. My third goal is to Get 100% on all of my assignments. My fourth goal is to make lots of new friends and to meet more of my family members. My last goal is to be a better helper to my community.
Sterling B.
I have three new year goals for 2018. The first one is to retrain my rooster for the show in Blaine county fair. My rooster’s name is Pepsi. Second one is to get my dog ready for the fair. My dog’s name is Lacey. I’m going to train my horse to lunge on a lunge line also. My horse’s name is Hawk. Finally, I will train my goat that never listens to anyone. Her name is Dolly.
Wylee S.
Here our my goals for 2018. My first one is to have fun and have a good 2018.
My second is to be little Beeter athlete of the month for the second time.
My third one is that I make more friends in the school and further.
My fourth one is to make the world a better place and make more peace and help solve the water crisis.
Some more goals are to not be absent and not have a tardy for 2018.
Another one is to shovel snow and rake leaves for the elderly. I hope I have a fun time this coming 2018 and God Bless America.
Ryan B.
See the patriots make the super bowl and beat Philly 44-20
Make the starting lineup for lineman and tight end in football
Aislinn H.
Every year I make a New Year Resolution, I don’t complete them though. My New Year’s Resolution this year is going to be something easy. I guess I would make it to by the end of the year Jackpot should be trained to lunge and trot behind me. That actually needs to be done by July. I have almost completed it but I know I need to perfect it.
Teagan R.
My New Year’s Resolution is to give more and talk less. To become a better person. And to be healthier.
Emma P.
My New Year’s Resolution is to become a better person to help more and talk less.
Charlie M.
My New Year’s Resolution is to work harder and to help more people when they need help.
Jackson N.
By the end of twenty eighteen I want to work on tricky ball handling and dunking.
Cheyenne W.
My new year resolution is going to be a little harder than others and this is why.
This year my new year’s resolution is to at least try to beat one world record .
I want to do this one because i want to try something that is harder than i think, and harder than the others. I also like a challenge sometimes.
Hadley G.
My new year’s resolution is going to be become better at basketball and at reading more books. I want to design more clothes. Get all A’s. Never be tardy. Be a good big sister. Be nice. Never have missing work and get better at math. Hang out with friends more. Do other sports like volleyball. Get better at drawing and have a fun year.