Happy New Year everyone! The library will be closed New Year’s Day. Thanks for all you support of the library this past year. We appreciate you!
If you have met the goal of reading 52 (or more!) books for the 2017 Reading Challenge be sure to let the library know. You have the chance to win a fabulous gift basket including a $25 gift card. Also if you have read 4 books in the month of December, contact the library so you may be entered to win a gift card from a local business.
Lego Club will meet Thurs., Dec. 28 at 4:30 in the library meeting room for children of all ages. Books and Babies will not meet in Harlem Tues., Jan. 2 but will start up again Jan. 9, 10 A.M. Carly will be in Turner for Books and Babies (weather permitting) Wed., Jan. 3, 10 A.M. at Big Flat Grocery. Story Hour resumes Fri., Jan. 5, 10 A.M. at the library in Harlem.
The Book Club, a books discussion group for adults, will begin a new book “The Children Act” by Ian McEwan in January. You may pick up your copy the week of Jan. 2-5. The first discussion will be Mon., Jan. 8, 4 P.M. in the library meeting room.
The library has an on-going used book sale in the Reading Room with hardbacks for $.25, paperbacks for $.10 and movies for $.25.