This is the time of year that we look back in time at what good and bad has happened during the past year and we look forward to see what good and bad we can look forward to in the coming year.
This has been a strange year. The politics of it , that seemed to be the worst for me at any rate. To be able to say that I did not want to vote for either political ticket, that has never happened before. Not for me anyway. Usually one of the candidates has some redeeming features that I can hang my coat on. Not these two. Nothing. But one had to win and the country has to go on with a new government being formed, some of it pretty good and some of it pretty awful.
Out here in the west, we are getting not much for our cattle and even less for our wheat. Let’s hope that whatever government takes over and builds programs, that we get some programs that will give us the ability to sell our products around the world and that wheat will once again be king on the Hi-Line.
As for me, I am still fighting prostate cancer. It seems that the cancer is all but gone but the cure is a killer. I hobble from place to place, thinking I ought to get a handicapped license for my car but not doing it.
It is a good thing there are computers that I can write stories on. That has been a miracle maker for me. To be able to interview someone on the telephone and build a story and send it to the “Journal” or the “Mountaineer”, that is great!
I remember the days I tried to write stories on an electric typewriter using plenty of white out. I learned that I did not know how to spell. Then spell check came along and once again I could spell and it was easy.
So, there is a new year just around the corner. I hope for all of us it will be the best year ever and I will be writing your stories from, Cabin 6 at Apgar and that for you and yours, it is the best year ever too!