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December winners announced in Sweet Escapes 2017 Raffle

The December winners in the Sweet Escapes 2017 Raffle were drawn last week. The year long raffle involves quarterly and monthly drawings with proceeds going toward needs at Sweet Medical Center. Quarterly winners choose among trips for two people to Hawaii, San Diego, Cancun and Las Vegas. Monthly drawing winners may select from twelve trips for two travelers to Montana destinations including West Yellowstone, Chico Hot Springs, Fairmont and Glacier. Each month a runner up winner is also drawn for a $200 cash prize.

Successful December ticket holders were Janice Brady, winner of the five-day trip to a national destination and Inez Halseth who won the monthly trip for two to a Montana destination. John Tilleman was the monthly runner up, receiving a $200 cash prize.

This year’s raffle proceeds will be used to purchase and install an emergency generator for SMC’s main office in Chinook. Dana Pyette, CEO of Sweet Medical Center, wrote earlier, “We chose to raise funds for a generator for the Chinook site so we can ensure our ability to provide quality and consistent service to our patients. North Central Montana can have a number of reasons for which power is out or even intermittent. When the power is out, there is a large impact on our ability to provide adequate patient care.”

Raffle tickets can still be purchased. To see details of the Sweet Escapes 2017 Raffle go to Sweet Medical Center’s website. From the home page, click “raffle” from the options along the top of the home page screen. Or, call 357-2294 to learn about the raffle and how to purchase tickets.


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