The Turner Tornadoes play this week in Box Elder on Thursday 5:00/6:30 and in Big Sandy on Friday at 4:00/5:30.
Gene, Susan, and Emily Billmayer visited with Denny and Colleen Overcast on Thursday afternoon.
Anita Reed and Jane and Harlan Krass went to Havre together on Wednesday for appointments.
Carol Klindworth went to Havre on Friday to see her mom and dad, Betty and Bill Hay.
Sandy Beck went to the Turner basketball game in Chinook on Saturday night with Sylvia and Joey.
Jennifer Strzelczyk visited at the Gene Billmayer home on Saturday afternoon, and then they went to visit Shannon, Hannah, and Isabella Van Voast in Turner.
Teresa Cornell spent Tuesday through Sunday in Billings visiting Dalton, Alyssa, Danial, and new baby girl Addison.
Hilary, Hannah, and Natalie Richman and Diana Maloney visited Harlan and Jane Krass on Saturday.
Isaac, Hannah, and Elliot Klindworth are staying with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Duane while their mom and her sister are in Colorado skiing.
Darwin and Betty Zellmer visited on New Years Day in the afternoon at the Wallace Beck home.
The Turner Tornadoes played in Hays on Friday and in Chinook on Saturday. The girls team won both games and the boys team lost both.