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Turner Schools celebrate PI Day: 3.14159265 35897932384626433832795028841971693993751

The Junior and High School students at Turner School enjoyed observing PI Day at their school this past Wednesday, 3/14/18. The students shared their knowledge of PI DAY with other students in the school. They had a bracelet craft they did with the younger students of using various colors of beads to represent a particular number and stringing the various colors along to make a bracelet of the significance numbers beginning with 3.14. The students really enjoyed the older students coming to their classroom. They also showed the younger ones a short video about PI Day. They concluded with serving the students a piece of pie. It was a fun day. Several of Mrs. Keller's other math classes visited other classes throughout the morning, while the 7-8th grade classes and their teacher, Mrs. Elissa Zellmer visited the Kindergarten room. All the students enjoyed the older students coming to help teach a short lesson.