We've Got The County Covered

Wildlife Museum Banquet and Auction set for Saturday, April 7

The Annual Banquet and Auction to benefit the Blaine County Wildlife Museum in Chinook is set for Saturday, April 7. Festivities start at the museum on Indiana Street with a tour available to banquet ticket holders, then moves to St. Gabriel's Catholic Church. The tour of the museum begins at 6pm and guests can browse the many raffle and auction items from 6:00 -7:00 p.m. at the church's parish hall. Dinner begins at 7:00 p.m. at the church with the auction to follow.

This year several items will be available for the Adopt-An-Animal program, which allows donors to adopt an item for permanent display in the wildlife museum and can honor a friend or family member. The items are varied with an albino porcupine, a least weasel and several hides to be used in the 'hands on' section of the museum for kids.

Most of the proceeds from the event go toward supporting operations for the museum and special projects. Tammie Edwards, Manager of the Museum, said prior years' banquet proceeds and a grant from the state will allow completion of the final permanent exhibit-the Foothills Exhibit. The background art is completed and wildlife artists who have done most of the permanent displays will begin work to complete the foothills diorama this fall.

Tickets for the banquet are available from any board member and at First Bank of Montana. Board members include: Kory Cecrle, President; Scott MacKenzie; Bill Harbolt, Jr.; Frank Billmayer; Roger Jergeson; Craig Lowham; Vanessa Surber; Allen Pula and Nicole Burkhartsmeyer.