Additional Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Hunter Education course dates have been set for many areas across Region 6. All hunter education classes are free of charge. Many classes are being held prior to the May 1 application deadline for moose, sheep and goat, and June 1 for deer B, elk B and antelope. In the next few months, classroom courses (for youth) are being held in:
Havre: starting April 5
Whitewater: starting April 9
Glasgow: starting April 13
Wolf Point: starting April 25
Havre: starting May 3
Bainville: starting May 5
All students must register online at the FWP website: Next, “Find a class or field course” and search for the available class in your area. Detailed instructions on dates, times, and other information will be found on the registration page. Many classes require students to pick up a manual and complete chapter quizzes before class begins.
For youth to be eligible to hunt and be fully certified during the 2018 season, hunters must be 12-years old by January 16, 2019. Students aged 10 and 11 can take a course and hunt as an apprentice, but will not be fully certified until the year they turn 12. Preference will be given to 11 and 12-year olds (or older) if the class becomes full. All registrants for these events must be 10 years old by the first day of class.
An adult online field course will be held in the next month as well: Glasgow: April 15
For the adult online field course, adults must pass the online hunter education course and receive a Field Day Qualifier Certificate. Adults looking to complete the online course can find instructions at The Field Day Qualifier Certificate (indicating completion of the online course) and a picture ID are necessary to obtain entrance into the field course.
Hunter Education courses are taught by a group of dedicated volunteers. For information on becoming a Hunter or Bowhunter education instructor, visit the FWP web site at to learn more and apply. If there are any questions, please call the Glasgow FWP office at 228-3700.
Commission endorses Recovering America’s Wildlife Act
Recovering America’s Wildlife Act legislation (H.R. 4647) was recently introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill is based on recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel for Conserving America’s Wildlife.
As proposed the bill would dedicate up to $1.3 billion annually in existing revenue from the development of energy and mineral resources on federal lands and waters to the Wildlife Conservation Restoration Program. These funds would provide state fish and wildlife agencies with the resources needed to fully implement State Wildlife Action Plans, which are designed to conserve over 12,000 species of greatest conservation need.
Under the current proposal, Montana’s portion of the funding would amount to $29.7 million annually, with a required non-federal match of 25% ($9.9 million annually). Funds could be used for fish and wildlife conservation, wildlife conservation education programs, and wildlife associated recreation projects. Working with landowners, partner agencies and non-government organizations would be critical to identify high priority, cooperative projects and to explore sources of non-federal match. Passage of H.R. 4647 would not impact Montana’s current allocation of Pittman-Robertson or Dingell Johnson funds.