The Big Flat Catholic Church would like to thank the Hogeland Lutheran church for the use of their church and beautiful kitchen for our spring dinner. We appreciated it so much. We would also like to thank everyone for coming, your support is appreciated, and to everyone who helped out.
Linda Hauge took Harlan and Jane Krass to Havre on Tuesday for appointments.
Susan Billmayer attended the District Garden Club meeting at Sleeping Buffalo on Thursday.
Anita Reed visited Harlan and Jane Krass home on Thursday. Diana Maloney and Anita and Brooke Reed visited on Saturday.
Emily Billmayer celebrated her birthday in Havre on Saturday with family and dinner.
Sandy Beck was among members of the Nimble Thimble Guild that met at Turner on Saturday at the Lutheran Church.
Wally and Loretta Beck attended the 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament in Chinook on Sunday, going especially to watch grandkids Tate and Ty Beck and Cassidy and Holly Grabofsky who were participants. Tate’s team, the Big Flat Boys, won 1st place in the 5th grade division. After the tournament, they enjoyed supper at the Motor Inn restaurant with the Chet Wolery family and Lanie Watkins.