We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland happenings

Sympathy is extended to the family of Helen Johnson Knutson who died recently. Several from the community went to Great Falls to her memorial service last weekend.

Terry and Brenda Mohar branded Saturday. Helping them were Leeann and Richard Hopkins, Dusty and Misty Mohar and boys, and Dusty’s friend Austin Stevens.

Linda Hauge took parents, Jane and Harlan Krass, to Havre on Tuesday for dental appointments and to Chinook on the way home for eye appointments.

Kathy Zellmer returned home from Missoula on Friday. She spent about three weeks with Jenny after her surgery, and visiting Joely and family while there.

Sandy Beck has been busy working in her yard this week. She had Adam, Grace, Rhonda, and Vicki helping her one day, which was a big help.

Loretta and Wally Beck took in the 3-on-3 basketball tourney Saturday in Chester, going especially to watch the grandkids play. From there, they went to Choteau to visit Marilyn and Jerry Herman.

The family of Jim Reed are hosting a 90th birthday party for him on Saturday, May 19th, from 3-6:00 p.m. at the Turner Legion Hall. Come and wish Jim a happy birthday.

Merrilyn Billmayer attended the Junior High and High School Track meets this week, and also the 3-on-3 basketball tournament in Chester on Saturday.

Anita and Brooke Reed took Harlan and Jane Krass to Great Falls on Thursday for Harlan’s doctor appointment. They returned later that afternoon.

Jordan and Elissa Zellmer attended the 3-on-3 basketball tourney in Chester on Saturday to watch Caleb and Brady play.

Kathy and Ed Zellmer went to the 3-on-3 tournament in Chester on Saturday to watch their grandsons, Caleb and Brady.

Diana, Hilary, and Anita were out to visit Mom and Dad, Jane and Harlan Krass, to help them during the week with a few chores.

The High School District Track meet will be in Havre on Wednesday, and the Junior High District Meet will be Saturday in Havre.