We've Got The County Covered

Chinook High School recognizes the efforts of 16 Honor Seniors

Chinook High School continues to recognize the efforts of their honor students. To earn Honor Student status, a senior student must have a cumulative 3.0 grade point average or higher. Many of these students are not only high achievers in the classroom, but are high achievers in all areas of the school environment.

Erika Arnold - Erika is the daughter of Rhonda Arnold of Chinook and Mike Arnold of Billings. Erika has been in BPA two years, Tennis three years, class secretary freshman and sophomore years and class vice president junior and senior years. She has received an academic letter all four years as well as academic all-state her junior year. Erika was both secretary and vice president of FCCLA, in DC Club, a two year NHS member and was on both prom and snoball committee. Erika is also a member of the National Jr. Angus Association.

Caleb Dumas- Caleb is the son of Mark and Heidi Dumas. Caleb has received honorable mention and has been on the honor roll.

Chelsie Fox- Chelsie is the daughter of Cory and Beth Fox. Chelsie has participated in Pep Band for three years and NHS for three years. She was volleyball manager as a freshman, attended State Music Festival and lettered both academically and in Band. Chelsie received a choir pin, was involved in youth bowling, assisted with Special Olympics and was on snoball committee. As a senior she has been an aide for Funshine Preschool and kindergarten.

Carrie Hofer- Carrie is the daughter of Mark and Julia Hofer. She has participated in Basketball and Volleyball four years and Golf for three years. She received all state honors in Golf. Carrie was secretary of her freshman class and active in BPA for two years.



Tamer is the son of Robert Jamieson. He has participated in Pep Band and Concert Band four years, was selected for Honor Band two years and attended State Music Festival. He has been involved in Football, Basketball and Golf for four years. Tamer was also part of the DC Club, in Media Tech and a two year NHS Member.


LaForge -

Heaven is the daughter of Marcella Shaw. Heaven has participated in Basketball and is currently Student Council Parliamentarian. She has been active in her class every year working concessions and float building. Heaven was in Media Tech, on the snoball committee and helped with prom.


Lowham -

Garrett is the son of Craig and Michelle Lowham. He has been in Wrestling four years, Football one year and Volleyball manager one year. Garrett is a four year FFA member, serving as treasurer three years, was freshman and sophomore class president and on student council two years. He also has been in Pep Band four years, attended State Music Festival four years was selected to Boy’s State and has been FCCLA president for the last two years.



Hailey is the daughter of Mike McMaster and Ronda Buckingham.

She has been involved in Volleyball three years, Basketball three years and youth bowling four years. Hailey is also a member of the international travel club and a three year FFA member.



Rylan is the son of Daryl and Bobbie Mitchell. Rylan is an academic award winner, receiving honorable mention or being on the honor roll all four years of high school.



Brandon is the son of Lara Paulsen. He has been involved in Basketball one year, Football two years, Track one year and Golf for two years. Brandon was also in BPA as a junior and participated in the state contest. As a senior he was a member of the Pro Start team.



Steven is the son of Steven and Colleen Mulonet. Steven participated in Speech and Drama four years, Pep Band four years and Choir four years. He also was in Football four years, receiving academic all-state as a senior, and was a four year Track team member as well.



Nathan is the son of Nathan and Leslie Pomeroy. Nathan has received honorable mention and has been on the honor roll.



Megan is the daughter of Joel and Laura Pruttis. Megan is an honor letter winner and has been on student council for four years. She has served as a class secretary, was on prom committee and is a three year NHS member. Megan has been in Tennis four years, Volleyball two years, received academic all-state and was Wrestling manager two years.

Erin Pula-

Erin is the daughter of Allen and Jenni Pula. She has participated in Volleyball four years and Basketball four years. Erin has received Academic and Band letters, been on the snoball committee, is a four year Pep Band member and was selected to Honor Band. She also participated in Academic Olympics three years, Principals Cup two years and Science Olympiad one year. Erin was a girls State candidate, is a three year NHS member, currently serving as president and is president of the senior class. She also volunteered for Special Olympics and was accepted to Medstart Camp.

Jamie Roth-

Jamie is the daughter of Tim and Janice Roth. Jamie is a four year Pep Band member and a four year Tennis player. She has lettered in Band and Tennis and been a NHS Member.

Sierra Swank-

Sierra is the daughter of Steve and Sonia Swank. She has been in Basketball four years, Volleyball four years, and Tennis four years. Sierra attended Academic Olympics three years, Principals Cup two years, is a three year FFA member and was also a student council representative and is currently student body president. She has been in NHS for three years, was sophomore class vice president and junior class president, a DC club member and was in BPA for two years, one as an officer. Sierra was also a Pep club member and was selected for HOBY.