We've Got The County Covered
This week ‘s column will feature the ABC’s of Summer Fun at the library!
A - Adult “Letter by Letter” game & air conditioning
B - Bestselling books, blocks and beanbags
C - Coloring table, checkers, and comfy couches
D - DVDs (two at a time) & devices
E - Enjoyment, Entertainment & Enrichment!
F - Friendly faces & free services
G - The Great American Read (PBS)
H - Hours of fun!
I - “I Spy” table
J - Juvenile books
K - Kids’ programs (Tues. 10:00 & Thurs. 1:00)
L - Lego Club (Thurs. 4:00)
M - Musical Movie Nights in June (Thurs. 5 P.M.)
N - Newspapers
O - Options galore!
P - Playspace, puzzles & puppets
Q - Quiet (sometimes)
R - Reading Challenge (read 52 books this year)
S - Summer Reading & a spectrum of materials
T - Tablets & toys
U - Used book sale in the reading room
V - Variety of volumes
W - Wi-Fi & water cooler
X - Xeric (dictionaries to look up unknown words)
Y - Young adult section
Z - Zany librarians!
So you can see, there is no reason to be bored this summer! Join in the fun at the library.
Hours: Monday and Wednesday: 12:30 - 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and Thursday 12:30 - 7:30 p.m.