We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

We had quite a storm on Tuesday afternoon. There was terrible wind, rain and hail with it. There was a lot of damage in parts of the Big Flat. Some were hit very hard and others not so much. Area residents are still picking up tree branches and debris in their yards and around their farms.

Susie Mason is here from Lincoln visiting her daughter Elissa , Jordan and family.

Teresa Cornell spent a few days a week ago in Scobey visiting Cassie, Richard and family.

Duane Klindworth celebrated his birthday on Friday with family. They all went to Andys in Havre for dinner to celebrate the occasion. Happy Birthday Duane!

Carol Ann (Anderson) and Jim Klatste from Wisconsin are here visiting for a week at the Anderson home with MaryEllen and Wayne Deloach. Wayne said the gals have been out rock collecting.

Teresa Cornell returned Saturday from a week long trip to Oregon with a friend.

Carol Klindworth helped her Mom, Betty Hay and sister, Nancy Mahns, with a yard sale on Saturday in Havre.

Wayne Deloach’s sister, Cheryl Deloach, of Deluth MN, spent a few days visiting MaryEllen and Wayne Deloach this week. They toured the Hogeland and Turner areas and other points of interest.

Jim Billmayer has been a patient at Benefis hospital this week. Susan and Helen spent a few days up there and brought him home Saturday afternoon. Get well soon, Jim.

Wayne and Mary Ellen Deloach witnessed the Rain, Hail and Wind on Tuesday during the storm from the safety of their little home. It was some storm!!

Sandy Beck was to Billings on Sunday and Monday this past week for doctor appts. While there she was a guest of Dixie and Dennis Roseleip. On Tuesday, Sandy made a trip to Havre to do some things.

Visited with Loretta Beck, and she said Rob and Molly Jenks were in church this morning in Hogeland. It was good to see them and catch up on times with them.

Wayne Deloach returned to WI on Sunday and will be back here in about a week.

Chad Beck was out to work on the farm Sunday and wife Val, Landon and Chloe came to visit Sandy.

The Krass girls were over to visit Mom and Dad and helped them with yard work this week.

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