We've Got The County Covered

Chinook Senior Center

This week we have had a problem with some power loss that caused the air conditioning, the convection oven, dishwasher and hot water heater to not work correctly. Finally, after Brett Zarn, Schine Electric and NorthWestern Energy co-examined the problem it was found that we will need to have meters replaced on the outside of the building. They have temporarily fixed the problems so everything is working as it should. The date for this is undetermined, but we will be open as usual as we will have our gas stove working and will serve up soup and sandwiches.

Thank you for all of the donations of garden vegetables. Forgive me for not getting all your names to say a personal thank you. We really appreciate the food. Thank you.

We would like to incorporate more volunteers to help out at the center. We could use cooks, dishwashers, exercise leader, game players and ideas for activities, and decorating ideas.

Last week activity winners are as follows: Bingo: Allison Powell; Scrabble: Not played; Shanghai Rummy: Lila Steffensmier; Pinochle: Monday, high Myrla McCoy, low Lila Steffensmier. Wednesday high Mike and Don, low Marilyn and Rochelle. Friday high Don Durocher and Mike Randall, low Marilyn Williamson and Marlane Wenzel. It does not always have to blizzard to play cards. Come join us.

Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, Whist or other cards on Wednesday afternoons, Bingo on Thursday, and cards on Friday. The Kitchen Band plays on Fridays. Anyone is welcome to join us.

Anyone and everyone of any age are welcome to join us at the center for lunch and activities. There are no age requirements. Please feel free to join us. It is recommended that if you are joining us for lunch that you give us a call by 10 a.m. for the cook to have the ability to prepare enough food. The suggested donation for lunch is $5 for age 60 and over and $6 for under the age of 60.

We have several exercise machines that are available to anyone age 18 or older. Please come use them. There is a sign in notebook on the table and if you need instructions on how to run any of them we will be glad to help you out.

The first homemade rolls were offered up this past week and we sold out in a hurry. Please call by Monday morning with your orders so we know how much to prepare. The suggested donation for the rolls is $1 per roll.

Keep an eye on the calendar. On August 24 Tom Tilleman will be grilling burgers/hot dogs for lunch. Come and join us for burgers and root beer floats at our Grill and Chill. Dinner is served at noon. Then August 29 we will be having a fund raiser Ice Cream Social from 3-4:30 p.m. The price is $3.50.

Menu for the Week:

August 22 - August 29

Wed., Aug. 22 - Peppered Steak

Thur., Aug. 23 - Salad Bar & Fruit

Fri., Aug. 24 - Grill & Chill

Mon., Aug. 27 - Breakfast Casserole

Tues., Aug. 28 - Cook’s Choice

Wed., Aug. 29 - Potato Bar

Upcoming Birthdays

Aug. 24 - Frances Ewing

Aug. 24 - Alice Kleinjan

Aug. 26 - Barb Jergeson

Aug. 27 - Gary Anderson

Aug. 28 - Bill Bilger

Aug. 28 - Carol Johnsrud

Aug. 29 - Mary Novak

Happy Birthday!!