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Turner all set for 2018-19 School Year

With a week under their belt, the Turner School has resumed classes with bells ringing on Wednesday for grades 1-12. Kindergarten will begin this Monday. The staff attended two PIR days prior to the students return. Pictured are a portion of teachers and staff that were available for a picture. Back row L-R are: Mr. Zach Holland, K-12 PE and 7-12 History, Mrs. Shelly Harmon, Kindergarten, and Library, Mrs. April Fox, Welding, K-12 Art, Mrs. Michelle Keller, Math, Superintendent, Mr. Russ McKenna, Janie Mohar, Paraprofessional, Denita Humphreys, Paraprofessional, Mrs. Diana Maloney, First and Second grades, Maggie Kimmel, Administrative Assistant. Front Row: Ms. Samaria Kirby, Third and Fourth grades, Mrs. Elissa Zellmer, Fifth and Sixth grades, Mrs.Julie Pearce, 7-12 Business, Vanessa Harmon, Janitor, Mrs. Heather Jorgenson, 7-12 English. Other's who were not available for the photo were Science Sub, Anne Hance, Kitchen helpers, Anita Reed, Linda Hauge, Billie Jo Simons, and Kirsti Cederberg, Clerk, Cindy Cowan, Title, Mrs. Bobbi Beck, Head cook, Jacquie Richman, Maintennace, Bryan Ricci, Resource, DeAnn Howard, Speech, Darci Ammen, Snow Removal, Gavin Maloney, and Groundskeeper, Shania Maloney. Good Luck to everyone as they begin a year of learning and beginning of a new sports season!