We've Got The County Covered

Old "wooden bridge" play equipment removed from Sweet Memorial Park in Chinook

Last week Joe Kennedy volunteered to tear down the old "wooden bridge" playground equipment at Sweet Park. Kennedy said, "The Park Board wanted it removed and I volunteered to take it down." Joe added, "I started about 2pm taking it apart and hope to be done by dark." Kennedy was not sure when the equipment was installed at the park.

Long time Lions Club member Jack Mattingly said he recalled that the wooden bridge play set and the taller, 'curly' slide beside the bridge were both installed by the Chinook Lions Club in the early 1970's. Mattingly added the swings and metal rings were there before and he had no idea of when they were installed.

Park Board President Ben Hall said, "Our insurance company would no longer provide coverage for the 40+ year old equipment because of the wood parts." Kennedy picked up one of the huge timbers he had just removed and hoisted it easily with one hand. He explained, "It's so dried out that there's really not much to it any more." Kennedy pointed out that some of the joints on the metal struts and other metal parts were also showing some deterioration where they connected to the superstructure.

Asked about the status of the curly slide, Hall said, "That piece is grandfathered in under our insurance policy. The board has no plans to tear it down at this point. If we did take it down and wanted a similar type of equipment, we'd have to have equipment that meets the insurer's new requirements, basically that the slide itself is covered so a child can't fall over the railings along the slide."

See Page A3: Wooden Bridge

As to future plans, Hall said, "The Park Board plans to organize a group of parents to help select replacement equipment, then we'll look at ways to fund the new equipment." Some time ago there was a public meeting to discuss replacing some of the equipment and Heather DePriest mentioned several foundations and groups that might provide funding to replace the equipment. At that time there was no problem with the insurance coverage, that concern came about more recently and made the problem more urgent.

One other issue at the playground is the lack of adequate drainage of the area where the older equipment is located. That part of the park is lower and heavy rains and spring snow melt often cause the area to flood. Hall said there have been some recommendations from an engineering firm to solve the problem but he added, "Our immediate concern is to remove the uninsured equipment and replace it. We'll deal with the drain problem at some other time."

Elmer Zarn came to help Joe Kennedy during the final stages of the equipment removal. Joe, in his thirties, said he played on the equipment as a kid. Elmer said, "I remember playing down here when I was a kid and 'hanging out' with friends as a teenager."

Likely seeing the empty space where the old bridge stood for 40+ years will bring back a lot of memories to locals who whiled away time as kids at the park. Now many are likely bringing their own kids, and even grandkids, to play at the Sweet Park. Hopefully it won't be long before there is new play equipment to begin building new childhood memories.


Cut line for attached photos: (Steve's)

Joe Kennedy dismantles wooden bridge at Sweet Park. In this photo Joe Kennedy is well in to his project to remove the old wooden bridge play equipment at Sweet Park. The Park Board wanted the 40+ year old wooden equipment removed because the insurer would no longer cover it. Kennedy, who volunteered to do the dismantling work, said, "I started taking it down about 2pm and hope to be done by dark today."

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