We've Got The County Covered

Sugarbeeter Shout Out

According to the Montana Department of Health and Human services and in line with CPS policy most minor illnesses do not require that you stay home from school. However, for the health and safety of all Sugarbeeters- there are times when staying home is the best option.

If you feel you aren’t sure if you should stay home ask yourself these questions:

1. Does this illness prevent me from participating comfortably in activities at school? (example sitting and focusing through entire class periods, participating in PE, playing your band instrument)

2. Does this illness require me to need more care or help than can be given during school? (do you require meds every 2 hours that you require help taking?)

3. Is there a high risk of spreading this disease to other kids or staff people? (Are you sneezing and coughing constantly? Unable to cover your mouth/nose and then wash/sanitize?)

4. Have you been to the doctor and told that you should not return for a certain amount of time?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, there is a good chance you should stay home until whatever factor you answered yes to is resolved. It takes rest, hydration, and nutrition for your body’s immune system to make you well again.

If you have specific questions you or your parent can reach the school nurse at the Blaine County Health Department, or by leaving a message with the main office.