The Blaine County Democratic Dinner on October 21 featuring Senator Jon Tester and Congressional candidate Kathleen Williams attracted a large crowd to Wallner Hall in Chinook. Seating was originally set to accommodate 100, but it became necessary to set up more tables in order to seat all attendees. Democratic Vice-chair Carol Elliot noted the attendance of more than 130 as "a great expression of support for our candidates in this election."
Two young traditional native dancers, Taeshon Schaeffer and Conan Cuts the Rope, demonstrated their wonderful talents in connection with the "gifting" ceremony honoring the two featured speakers, Tester and Williams. The large crowd from all parts of the county expressed appreciation for the participation of these talented young people.
Former State Senator and Public Service Commissioner Greg Jergeson served as master of ceremonies for the evening. U.S. Senator Jon Tester, introduced by nearby State Senate candidate Paul Tuss, focused on issues important to rural communities like Chinook, Harlem and his home town of Big Sandy. He discussed the vital role that local health care services like the Sweet Medical Center play in the everyday lives of the residents of small towns and surrounding rural areas. Tester categorically expressed his opposition to cutting Social Security and Medicare.
On another topic, he reported on his bill to raise the ratio of federal funding from the current 25% to 75% for the rehabilitation of the St. Mary/Milk River project so that it is more affordable for water users in the basin. Tester also discussed other steps that need to be taken to move the project along. He talked about the need to improve the rural economy and to keep public lands in the hands of the public and available to multiple uses like agriculture, hunting and recreation.
Introduced by Representative Jacob Bachmeier, Congressional candidate Kathleen Williams talked about what a remarkable experience it is to campaign in Montana. Besides meeting so many wonderful Montanans, Kathleen described her pleasure, as she traveled to Chinook, stopping for a couple hours of hunting on a farm enrolled in the "Block Management" program. Discussing her previous work, in a variety of roles, on the St. Mary/Milk River rehabilitation effort, Williams outlined some efforts she will pursue as a member of Congress to advance the project.
Recounting being thrust into the role of "caregiver" at age 11, along with her father, when her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Kathleen Williams described how that experience shaped her commitment to the quality, availability and affordability of health care. Like Senator Tester, she was unequivocal in her support for Social Security and Medicare.
After being introduced and endorsed by former Blaine County Clerk of Court Kay O'Brien Johnson, Montana Clerk of Supreme Court candidate Rex Renk discussed the importance of that little known office and the need for assuring access to our courts by Montana citizens. He cited his experience as deputy clerk for 24 years, and the importance of professionalism, not politics, in the operation of the office.
Other candidates making well received talks to the group were John Colby, candidate for Sheriff, Kim Hansen, candidate for County Commissioner, Representative Jonathan Windy Boy, running for re-election, and Doug Kaercher, from Havre, seeking the Public Service Commission seat once held by Greg Jergeson. As he introduced Kaecher, Jergeson cited the need for reason and responsibility on the Commission and expressed the belief that Kaercher would best bring that to the PSC.
At the conclusion of the evening, Vice Chair Carol Elliot offered thanks to all the volunteers who cooked the meal, the young people who helped serve the meal, the team who set up and all the others who helped make the evening such a great success.