The veterans of the United States Military are honored annually on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at 11:11 in the morning in celebrations around the country as we celebrate Veterans Day and honor all those who have served or are currently serving and remember those who gave all.
Veterans Day began as Armistice Day in 1926 through a congressional resolution. Armistice Day was celebrated on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at 11:11 a.m., the exact day and time that World War I ended in 1918.
In 1954, a Bill proposed by a Kansas Senator officially changed the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. In 1968, a law was introduced that changed Veterans Day to the fourth Monday of October. After it became apparent that November 11 was an historic day, Congress returned the day of observance back to November 11 in 1978.
Blaine County has always been a strong supporter of local Veterans and the tradition of honoring Veterans has expanded well beyond just a single day.
Below is a schedule of events that we at the Journal received regarding celebrations throughout the county, but in addition to these events businesses, schools and individuals have went that extra mile to honor all those who have served or are currently serving.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the American Legion are both very active all throughout Blaine County and will take part in many of the celebrations being held.
This year with Veterans Day falling on Sunday, many of the observations will be held on Friday November 9 or Monday, November 12 to allow the schools and businesses a chance to show their appreciation to our Military Service Men and Women.
Schedule of Events
• Chinook Elementary: Assembly at 8:30 a.m. The students will welcome Veterans and here about what the day means to them. All Veterans are invited to attend.
• Chinook High School: Assembly will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, November 10. The assembly will be held in the Chinook High School Auditorium. The guest speaker is Ron Brusci. During the Assemble the Chinook Junior/Senior High School Choir will sing and students selected by school History teachers Mike Jones and Kendal Harwood will read either Patriot Pen or Voice of Democracy essay's. This years Voice of Democracy topic is "Why my vote matters" and students hope to show their political efficacy in hopes of obtaining a scholarship from the local VFW Post.
• Chinook Eagles: Their will be a luncheon following the Assembly at the High School.
• First Bank of Montana: The Veterans display at First Bank of Montana will be available for viewing for any and all that wish to partake. Cake and Coffee will be provided on Friday, November 9th beginning at 11 a.m. and lasting a few hours.
The Military Appreciation Room at the First Bank of Montana is open year round and is available for those interested to sit down relax and visit in comfort.
• Turner School: The Student Council will host a program at 9:00 a.m. on the Thursday, November 8.
The Kids will be singing and a video will be shown to honor the community Veterans
• Hays/Lodge Pole School: Celebrations will be held at both the Elementary and High School. Veterans will be on hand at both schools to talk with the children about what the day means to them.
The children will honor the veterans with a feed following the ceremony.
• Harlem Elementary: will honor local Veterans with a celebration that is scheduled to start at 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon on Friday, November 9th and last about a half hour.
All events are open to the public!
Veterans are honored year around in our schools, parks and local businesses.