We've Got The County Covered
There will be a “Thanks for the Harvest” service at the Hogeland Lutheran Church on Nov.15 beginning at 6 p.m. followed by a service at 7 p.m.. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Teresa Cornell spent last week in Billings visiting Dalton, Alyssa and children.
Carol and Duane Klindworth were in Havre Monday visiting Carol’s Mom and Dad, Bill and Betty Hay.
Sandy Beck attended one of grandson Landon’s basketball games.
Ed and Kathy Zellmer were in San Diego this past week to attend the graduation of their grandson Troy Hiniker from Marine Boot Camp. They toured various places on their way there.
There was a Lefsa Bee at Susan Billmayer on Saturday. Those attending were Marna and Jennifer Strzelczyk, Samantha Weaver, Elaina, Kacey and Luke from Big Sandy, and Emily Billmayer. They had a fun day rolling, flipping and eating the delicious Lefsa.
Richard and Cassie Handran and children visited at Dave and Teresa Cornell’s on Sunday.
Linda Hauge took Harlan and Jane Krass to Havre on Wednesday for Dr. appts.
World Diabetes Day will be observed on Nov. 14 at the Turner school.
Jennifer Strzelczyk, Susan, and Emily Billmayer attended the Craft Class Saturday night at Shannon Billmayers.
Elissa and Jordan Zellmer and family attended the Basketball games in Turner and Chinook this past weekend.
There was a Veterans Program in Turner at the School on Monday November 12th.
There will be basketball games in Turner on Friday with Big Sandy at 4p.m. and 5:30 p.m. On Saturday, Turner will travel to Chester for a Jamboree with Turner games at 12 and 1:30 p.m. and at 3 and 4:30 p.m. This will be the last game of the season until tournament. It will be held in Gildford the 29th, 30th, and Nov.1st.
Sandy Beck was to Billings on Tuesday and Wednesday for Dr. appts, and stayed overnight with Dixie and Dennis Roseleip home.
Emily Billmayer was home for the weekend. Gene took her back to Havre Sunday afternoon.
Brian and Susie Schuld of WI were visitors at the Wallace Beck home Monday evening-Wednesday afternoon. They also spent time at Shawn and Bobbi Becks on Tuesday. They enjoyed hunting and sight seeing that day as well. Kevin Beck was a breakfast guest on Wednesday morning and had a short visit with Brian and Susie.
David Kuehl and Dave Kuehl and Janie from WI arrived at the Wallace Beck home on Thursday to spend some time visiting and doing some hunting as well. While here, they stayed at the Ed Zellmer and Wallace Beck homes.
Thursday supper guest at Wally and Loretta’s were the WI family, Shawn and Bobbi Beck, Tate, Ty and Harley Jo, Trent Billmayer and Kevin Beck. Laura Sherwood of Great Falls also was at the Zellmer’s.
On Friday afternoon, Laura Sherwood and Janie and Loretta attended the ball games in Turner, Supper guests along with the WI family,were Sandy Beck, Darwin and Betty Zellmer, Laura Sherwood. Darwin, Laura, Loretta, Sandy are all cousins to the Wisconsin family. The WI crew left Sunday afternoon and Laura Sherwood will leave on Monday morning.
There will be Turkey Bingo on November 18th at 2 p.m. at the Old Gym. This event is sponsored by the Pep Club. Come out enjoy the afternoon playing Bingo and win yourself a Turkey or other prizes.
School is out at 12:45 on Wednesday the 21st for the Thanksgiving break. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!