We've Got The County Covered

Chinook Senior Center

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Thank you to all of you for the lovely donations of books and puzzles this past week. We are enjoying the new titles. Those of you interested in Harlequin books, we have received a large supply. We also welcome large print books. Come and browse.

The Chinook High School Music Department will be coming over on the 18th to perform here at the center, 11:30 a.m.

Our Christmas Dinner will be held on Friday the 21st. We will be open the 24th, closed the 25th and open again on the 26th.

The Sunday afternoon card party held on the 9th was played with 3 tables. High score went to Don Durocher, while Marilyn Williamson scored lowest. Double Pinochles went to Don Durocher and Myrla McCoy.

The movie for December 19 is The Christmas Train.

Next week’s Bingo to be played on December 20, will be our Jackpot Bingo. We will not be playing Bingo on the 27th.

Last week activity winners are as follows:

Bingo: Michael Schneider

Shanghai Rummy: Don Durocher, Clarice Morse, Mike Randall.

Pinochle: High Amy Smith, Low Lois Butcher

Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, Whist or other cards, or movie on Wednesday afternoons, Bingo on Thursday, and cards on Friday. The Kitchen Band plays on Fridays. We have exercise equipment available to use for those 18 years and older. If you want to set up a pool game the poor old pool table could use some attention. Also there is always a jigsaw puzzle being pieced and all help is welcome. Anyone is welcome to join us..

Menu for the Week:

December 19 - December 26

Wednesday, Dec. 19 - Hot Beef Sandwich

Thursday, Dec. 20 - Chicken Enchiladas

Friday, Dec. 21 - Popcorn Shrimp

Monday, Dec. 24 - Lasagna

Tuesday, Dec. 25 - No Meal

Wednesday, Dec. 26 - Riblets

Upcoming Birthdays

December 20 - Edith Bilger

December 25 - Shirley Komis

December 26 - Rozella Annis

Happy Birthday!!