We've Got The County Covered

Valley Clovers 4-H Club November Report

The November meeting for the Valley Clovers 4-H club was held at the Meadowlark Elementary School at 1:00 pm on November 18, 2018. The president called the meeting to order and then we said the American and 4-H pledge. After that, the officers read their official reports on our financial state and our correspondence.

Then the individual club members reported on the events that happened prior to the meeting. After old and new business the club officers announced upcoming events. The club decided that the next meeting would take place at the Meadowlark Elementary on December 2, 2018, at 4:00 pm and the meeting host would be everyone.

The last meeting of the year for the Valley Clovers 4-H club was held at the Meadowlark Elementary School on December 2, 2018, at 4:00 pm. We started the meeting by saying the American and 4-H pledge, then we went through the minutes from the November meeting and they were approved with no corrections. The club officers read the financial report and correspondence. Individual club members reported on the activities that happened the previous month.

All the committees reported and the kids that attended the given events reported as well. We all signed up for demonstrations then did our secret Santa gifts. It was really fun and after that, we all had super nachos. It was a good way to end the last 2018 meeting.

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