Ooo boy! It snowed. I was sure it was not deep enough to wear my snow boots to walk to work, I was very wrong. I should have worn my snowshoes. With this much snow there must be enough to do some snowshoeing. Somewhere, I think on Facebook, I saw snow described as winter glitter, self spreading, and biodegradable. Have a good week.
Last week activity winners are as follows: Bingo: Virginia Olson. Shanghai Rummy: Lila Steffensmier. Pinochle: Two tables of four Lois Butcher high, Marilyn Williamson low.
Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, Whist or other cards, or movie on Wednesday afternoons, Bingo on Thursday, and cards on Friday. The Kitchen Band plays on Fridays. We have exercise equipment available to use for those 18 years and older. If you want to set up a pool game, the poor old pool table could use some attention. Also there is always a jigsaw puzzle being pieced and all help is welcome. Anyone is welcome to join us.
Menu for the Week:
January 23 - January 30
Wed., Jan. 23 - Veggie Soup & Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Thu., Jan. 24 - Hamburger Steak
Fri., Jan. 25 - Pork Chops
Mon., Jan. 28 - Cheese Enchilada
Tues., Jan. 29 - Chili & Cornbread
Wed., Jan. 30 - Cabbage Rolls
Upcoming Birthdays
January 26 - Tom Tilleman
January 30 - Alicia Call
Happy Birthday!!