This week we received a donation of puzzles and books. We always appreciate the new additions. The volunteers that put in the time and make the commitment to helping out at the Senior Center each week are real gems. Thank you all.
Bingo winners totaled 3 black out winners this week, Don Durocher, Irene Wendeln and Irene Gauthier. The payout this week was a free meal ticket. Pinochle was played 2 tables of 4 and the high was Virginia Olson with the low being Mike Randall. Shang Hai winner with the lowest score was Mike Randall.
Our cinnamon rolls are set to rise early Wednesday morning. So we need to know how many to proof and bake on Thursday morning. Please call by Tuesday noon to order them. Thank you very much. Meals on Wheels leaves the building at 11:00. We need to know the number of meals to be prepared by 10:00 in the morning. Also, for lunch served in house we need you to call by 10 a.m. and let us know if you will be joining us please and thank you.
Our activities start at 1 p.m. and include Pinochle on Monday, Shanghai Rummy on Tuesday, Scrabble/board games, or other cards, Wednesday afternoons, Bingo on Thursday, and cards on Friday. Whist is being played every second and fourth Wednesday. The Kitchen Band plays on Fridays. We have exercise equipment available to use for those 18 years and older. If you want to set up a pool game, the poor old pool table could use some attention. Also there is always a jigsaw puzzle being pieced and all help is welcome. Anyone is welcome to join us.
Menu for the Week:
March 20 - March 27
Wed., Mar. 20 - Hamburger Steak
Thu., Mar. 21 - Beef Salad Sandwich & Corn Chowder
Fri., Mar. 22 - Fish
Mon., Mar. 25 - Spaghetti & Meatballs
Tues., Mar. 26 - French Dip
Wed., Mar. 27 - Potato Bar
Upcoming Birthdays
March 21 - Vernelia Tilleman
March 26 - Willie Kruse