The children of Harlan Krass would like to invite everyone to attend a party for his 90th birthday at the Turner Lutheran Church this Sunday, April 14th, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Come visit and have cake, cookies, and coffee with him. Everyone is welcome to attend!
This past weekend, Cassie, August, and Evelyn Handran and Teresa Cornell traveled to Billings to visit with the Dalton Cornell family.
Loretta Beck attended the Auxiliary meeting in Turner on Wednesday evening.
Linda Hauge and Anita Reed took Harlan and Jane Krass to Havre on Tuesday for a dental appointment.
Thursday evening, Wally and Loretta Beck were supper guests at the Shawn Beck home to help Tate celebrate his 12th birthday and to celebrate Adam Billmayer’s birthday also. There were many other friends and family members there as well.
Susan Billmayer visited at the Harlan Krass home on Sunday with Harlan and Jane, Diana Maloney, and Anita, Lucas, Brooke, and Bridget Reed. Happy Birthday, Susan!
Wally and Loretta Beck attended the elementary jamboree in Chester with Crystal and Lucy Grabofsky on Saturday.
Last Sunday, March 31, Cassie and Evelyn Handran and Teresa Cornell traveled to Great Falls to visit Evelyn Hedstrom.
Ed and Kathy Zellmer rode to Chester with Jordan and Elissa Zellmer to attend the last elementary basketball jamboree for the season. Afterwards, they took their boys out to Uncle Joe’s to celebrate the end of their season. It was fun watching all the boys and girls play!