Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is seeking public comment on proposals to stock bluegill into three different reservoirs in Region 6. The proposals include stocking bluegill into:
Bailey Reservoir in Hill Co., a private reservoir that is managed as a Fishing Access Site by FWP. PR 054 Reservoir in Phillips Co., a BLM reservoir; Doucette Reservoir in Phillips Co., a BLM reservoir
The bluegill will provide another angling opportunity and serve as a forage fish for existing gamefish populations such as largemouth bass (PR 054 and Doucette) and walleye (Bailey).
The draft Environmental Assessments (EAs) on the proposals summarize the proposed action and analyze the potential risks associated. The draft EA’s are open for public comment until April 30, 2019. Copies of the EAs are available at the Havre and Glasgow FWP offices, or can be found on the website at The EAs are also available at the direct links below:
Bailey- objectID=91304
PR 054- File?objectID=91303
Doucette- File?objectID=91302
Interested parties can comment directly on the fwp webpage, mail to: Attn: (Baileys/PR 054/Doucette) bluegill introduction, Cody Nagel, MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks, 2165 Hwy 2 E., Havre, MT 59501, or emailed to fisheries biologist Cody Nagel at Thank you for your interest in this project.