Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Region 6 For Immediate Release
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks hunter education course dates have been set for many areas across Region 6 and northeast Montana. All hunter education classes are free of charge. Many classes are being held prior to the May 1 application deadline for moose, sheep and goat, and June 1 for deer B, elk B, and antelope. In the next few months, classroom courses (for youth) are being held at the following sites, with the start date listed:
Wolf Point: April 24
Circle: April 25
Havre: May 9
Glasgow: May 20
Bainville: June 1
Poplar: June 7
Sidney: July 29
Glasgow: Aug. 12
For youth to be eligible to hunt and be fully certified during the 2019 season, hunters must be 12-years old by January 16, 2020. Students aged 10 and 11 can take a course and hunt as an apprentice but will not be fully certified until the year they turn 12. Preference will be given to 11 and 12-year olds (or older) if the class becomes full. All registrants for these events must be 10 years old by the first day of class.
For the adult online field course, adults must pass the online hunter education course and receive a Field Day Qualifier Certificate. Adults looking to complete the online course can find instructions at The Field Day Qualifier Certificate and a picture ID are necessary to obtain entrance into the field course. Adult online field courses are set for:
Glasgow: May 29
Keep in mind that these may be the only/last hunter education course available at these sites this year. All students must register online at the FWP website:; click on the education tab, then click “hunter education programs.” Next, “Find a class or field course” and search for the available class in your area. Detailed instructions on dates, times, and other information will be found on the registration page. Many classes require students to pick up a manual and complete chapter quizzes before class begins.
Instructors needed: Hunter and bowhunter education are state-mandated courses, which are taught by dedicated volunteers. The heart of Montana’s Hunter and Bowhunter Education programs is this group of dedicated volunteer instructors. They stand as examples of how each hunter should demonstrate safety, ethics, behavior, and responsibility to not only themselves, but also to landowners, other hunters, and the resource.
Region 6 needs to recruit more of these dedicated men and women to continue to serve the area. Anyone who is at least fourteen-years old is eligible to apply. Volunteer instructors are being sought across the region, which includes the counties of Hill, Blaine, Phillips, Valley, Daniels, McCone, Sheridan, and Roosevelt.
For information on becoming a Hunter or Bowhunter education instructor, visit the FWP web site at to learn more and apply.
For any information or questions on these upcoming courses or becoming an instructor, please contact Marc Kloker at 406-228-3704, or email