We've Got The County Covered

Hogeland Happenings

Brenda Mohar has been busy going to track meets this week. The District High School Meet will be Wednesday May 8 at the Havre Middle School. The Junior High District Meet will be Saturday May 11 also at the Havre Middle School Track. Come out and see the Tracksters perform at Districts.

Weekend guests at the home of Dave and Teresa Cornell were Cassie and Evelyn Handran from Harlem and Kathy Preeshl from Gildford.

Crystal , Cassidy, Holly, Cooper and Lucy Grabofsky had Brunch Sunday after Church with .Loretta and Wallly. Beck.

Susan Billmayer went to Havre on Wednesday and picked Emily up and they went to Chinook for Barb Weber’s birthday party. Afterwards, Susan took Emily back to Havre.

Shawn and Harley Jo Beck stopped in Saturday to visit folks, Loretta and Wally Beck.

Diana Maloney was out to see her folks, Harlan and Jane Krass on Sunday morning and did a few things for them. In the afternoon Hilary and Natalie Richman came out and also helped them. Linda Hauge stopped in later to visit.

Grandkids Eva and Emma, daughters of Morgan and Jessica, and Issac, Hannah, and Eliot, children of Matt and Annie visited Grandma Carol and Grandpa Duane Klindworth over the weekend.

Ilona McGuire and Frank and Sheryl McGuire attended Cody Ballard’s graduation from MSU Northern. He is Ilonas grandson and is Frank’s nephew. Congratulation Cody.

Visitors this week at Kathy and Ed Zellmers were Melissa Hiniker and Garrett Lee of Havre.

Anita Reed accompanied Harlan and Jane Krass to the Dr appt on Tuesday in Harlem.

Caleb, Brady, and Gracie Zellmer visited Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Ed Zellmer on Saturday.

There will be a Memorial service for Claricee Kegel on Saturday May 11 at 11 am. at the Turner Lutheran Church. She was a member of the community for many years. Our sympathy is extended to the family at this time.

Glenna Ammen is going to have knee surgery on the 13th in Great Falls and then do her recovery time with her sister. If anyone would like to send her a card at this address, I’m sure she would love it.

Glenna Ammen % /of Stan and Bette DeZort, 30 Ranch Creek Rd. S, #10, White Sulfur Springs, Mt 59645.

Graduation is almost here for the Turner kids. Kindergarten will be held on Monday May 20,at 3 o’clock. Last day of school for the Turner School students is on May 21 which will be a full day of school.

Lucas Reed and Cody Ballard graduated at the MSU Northern Saturday and participated in the ceremony following. Congratulations to them on this special occasion.