Applications are now being accepted for the Toby Sargent Memorial Scholarship. For more information you may call Gina Kaftan at 265-7351 or download an application on Facebook at Hi-Line Home Educators page. Information concerning qualifications & applications are also available at Blaine and Hill County Libraries. Student must be a homeschool graduate from a Blaine or Hill County homeschool within the past four (4) years. Applications must be postmarked on or before May 31, 2019
· Must be a homeschool graduate from a Blaine or Hill County homeschool OR a college student who was a homeschool graduate in Hill or Blaine County within the last four (4) years.
· Must be enrolled, or enrolling, in a college, university, trade school or bible school for the upcoming semester in state or out of state.
· Applications must be postmarked on or before May 31, 2019